Already being indexed?

So apparently it doesn’t take long for someone (Google?) to find you. I don’t believe I’m linked from anywhere yet, but I did ask an online site to create a sitemap.xml for me.  With timestamps only minutes before the timestamp on my sitemap.xml file this is in my error.log:

[Fri Sep 16 13:37:39 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/robots.txt
[Fri Sep 16 13:49:31 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/robots.txt

A quick googling of those IPs seems to show that the first one is owned by, and the second one is an anonymous looking box on Friend or foe?

Hello world!

This is indeed my first post! It has been fun getting this up and running on a Lucid build of Ubuntu.

These are some of the things I discovered so far:

  • ufw out-of-the-box prevents apt-get from working
  • installing the wordpress package via apt-get resolves some dependencies: it downloads the dependencies for mysql-client but does not include any mysql-server
  • wordpress on Ubuntu works very easily once you find the special configure for Debian files inside /usr/share/docs/wordpress
  • of particular use is /usr/share/docs/worpress/examples/setup-mysql which doesn’t quite work as described, but boy did it make everything work
  • I still haven’t figured out the timezone for this yet
  • Bitvise Tunnelier is awesome for ssh sessions under Windows7 64-bit

So far things have worked rather well! On to the next bits….